
A "Childminding Service” means a pre-school service, offered by a person who single-handedly takes care of pre-school children which may include the person’s own children, in the person’s home for a total of more than 2 hours per day.

Childminders registered with Tusla are subject to inspection under the Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations 2016.  A childminder can care for no more than 5 preschool children in his/her home at any given time. This includes the childminders own early years children, unless the childminder is applicable to the exceptions for childminders. No more than two of the children can be under the age of 15 months (except where the children are siblings) including the childminders own children.

What are the exemptions under the Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations 2016,  in relation to childminders?
A: The exemptions from provision of Part 12 of the Child and Family Agency Act 2013 are set down under 58L as follows:
  1. The care of one or more children undertaken by a relative of the child or children or the spouse of such relative.
  2. A person taking care of one or more children of the same family and no other such children (other that the persons own such children) in their own home.
  3. A person taking care of no more than 3 children of different families (other than that person’s own pre-school children) in that person’s home.
  • *****For a list of Childminders that are exempt under the Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016, please contact Galway Childcare Committee on 091 752039 or at******

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Please click on the below picture for more information on choosing a childminder.

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