National Síolta Aistear Initiative

?Síolta is the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education.

Síolta is the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education.

Síolta contains the Principles, Standards, Components of Quality and Signposts for Reflection.

Síolta has been designed to support your engagement in all aspects of quality practice and may be used by you as an individual Early Years educator, in working with colleagues in your setting and also as a support for networking with other professional colleagues who work with young children from birth to six years.

Aistear is the curriculum framework for children from birth to 6 years in Ireland. It provides information for adults to help them plan for and provide enjoyable and challenging experiences so that all children can grow and develop as competent and confident learners within loving relationships with others. 
Aistear celebrates early childhood as a time of being, and of enjoying and learning from experiences as they unfold. It is underpinned by interconnecting principles presented in groups:

  • Children and their lives in early childhood
  • Children’s connections with others
  • How children learn and develop
The framework uses the following interconnectedly to describe children’s learning and development:
  • Well-being
  • Identity and Belonging
  • Communicating
  • Exploring and Thinking
The adult’s role in supporting children’s early learning and development is highlighted. The adult nurtures in children the dispositions, attitudes and values, skills, knowledge, and understanding, to help them learn and develop.
Guidelines for good practice take a children’s rights-based approach to
  • building partnerships between parents and practitioners
  • learning and developing through interactions
  • learning and developing through play supporting
  • learning and development through assessment
The National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is updating Aistear the Early Childhood Curriculum Framework. A video describing the review process and sharing early messages from the consultation is available here. Updates on the process, together with publications to date are available here

The purpose of the Aistear Síolta Practice Guide (NCCA, 2015) is to support practitioners in using Aistear The Early Childhood Curriculum Framework and Síolta The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education together to develop the quality of their practice and in doing so, to better support children’s learning and development. The Practice Guide includes resources to help practitioners to critically reflect on their curriculum and to identify what works well. Additionally, the resources can help practitioners to identify priorities for development and to plan actions for positive change. Each learning experience in the practice guide:

  • Is linked to Aistear’s themes and Síolta’s standards
  • Contains viewing and reading materials to support you in your professional role working with Aistear and Síolta
  • Contains a section at the end for key reflections on learning and possible future actions.

An Introduction video to Aistear, Síolta and the Practice Guide is available here.


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