E-Learning Programmes

In addition to our training events, Galway Childcare Committee are offering a free online resource guide and e-learning course to professionals working in or studying early childhood care and education.

Galway Atlantaquaria and Galway Childcare Committee would like to share some ideas and knowledge to prepare and inspire you to explore your local shores or woodland areas with the young children in your setting.

Exploring the Shores Early Years Resource Guide is an ideal introduction to the concept of Beach School for young children and we would recommend that educators would use this resource as a guide before, during and after the e-learning programme. This guide will equip educators with useful and practical information about the beaches in Galway city and county and key safety considerations when planning a day at the beach.

Exploring the Shores

Early Years Resource Guide


Galway Childcare Committee in collaboration with Galway Atlantaquaria are offering this free unique e-learning programme Introduction to Ocean Literacy which has been specifically designed for early years educators and school age practitioners working with young children.

The information, resources and ideas for practice that Dr. Nóirín Burke shares throughout this programme will inspire how you think about the ocean. However, it is up to you as the early years’ educator and your knowledge of the children’s interests and dispositions for learning to determine how this programme can be translated into practice. The activities can become learning experiences in children’s play and in their conversations.

Enjoy researching and learning together with the children.

Ocean Connections

Ocean Connections

Welcome to the 7 Ocean Literacy Principles eLearning programme for Early Years Settings.

Start Course

If you have any questions or enquiries about our services, click the following link to contact us today