It is everyone’s responsibility to protect children and young people and to do our best to keep them safe. Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children sets out the steps which should be taken to ensure that the child or young person is protected from harm.
National Child Safeguarding Programme, Early Learning and Care website provides up to date specific information for ELC/SAC educators. There is an area which parents to be signposted to for information such as Domestic Violence, Meitheal and supports available.
Tusla have a Children First section on their website, which covers areas such as reporting a concern, child safeguarding statements and e-learning programmes.
You should always inform Tusla when you have reasonable grounds for concern that a child may have been, is being, or is at risk of being abused or neglected. If you ignore what may be symptoms of abuse, it could result in ongoing harm to the child. For more information, please click the link below:
Starting from 1 February 2025, the following changes will take effect:
It is vital that you remain compliant with vetting requirements at all times.
If your current provider is Barnardos you will be required to apply for a new Garda Vetting Affiliate Number for Early Childhood Ireland. Please contact the Garda National Vetting Bureau (GNBV) at to progress your Affiliate Number application.
If a service expects to need vetting between now and 31 January, you should wait until after completing your upcoming vetting to proceed with changing affiliate number. It is ok to instigate a change in affiliate number after 31 January.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your current provider orcontact us at or give us a call 091 752039
National Child Safeguarding Programme, Early Learning and Care website provides up to date specific information for ELC/SAC educators. There is an area which parents to be signposted to for information such as Domestic Violence, Meitheal and supports available.
Tusla have a Children First section on their website, which covers areas such as reporting a concern, child safeguarding statements and e-learning programmes.
You should always inform Tusla when you have reasonable grounds for concern that a child may have been, is being, or is at risk of being abused or neglected. If you ignore what may be symptoms of abuse, it could result in ongoing harm to the child. For more information, please click the link below:
Introducing New Garda Vetting Procedure
Important changes to the Garda Vetting procedure for the Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Aged Childcare (SAC) sector.Starting from 1 February 2025, the following changes will take effect:
- Early Childhood Ireland (ECI) will manage Garda Vetting services for all early learning and care, and school-age childcare employees.
- Tusla will manage Garda Vetting services for registered providers including Chairpersons of Boards of Management.
- As part of these changes, Barnardos will no longer provide vetting services.
It is vital that you remain compliant with vetting requirements at all times.
If your current provider is Barnardos you will be required to apply for a new Garda Vetting Affiliate Number for Early Childhood Ireland. Please contact the Garda National Vetting Bureau (GNBV) at to progress your Affiliate Number application.
If a service expects to need vetting between now and 31 January, you should wait until after completing your upcoming vetting to proceed with changing affiliate number. It is ok to instigate a change in affiliate number after 31 January.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your current provider orcontact us at or give us a call 091 752039