The NCS replaces the previous targeted childcare programmes and so the TEC programme closed to new registrations on February 14th 2020. The children whose parents were registered on TEC up to that date, and opted to retain their registration under TEC, are referred to as ‘TEC Savers’ and the programme is now known as the TEC Saver Programme. The TEC Saver Programme will continue for an interim period or until the parent is no longer eligible. No new registrations for new children can be made under the TEC Saver programme. The TEC Saver Programme will cease operating once all participants registered before February 14th 2020 have completed their allotted time on their TEC scheme.
The TEC Programme is an overarching childcare programme funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and is specifically designed to support parents/guardians on eligible Education and Training Board training courses, as well as certain categories of parents/guardians returning to work, by providing subsidised childcare places. The TEC Programme provides childcare support for:
- parents/guardians on certain education and training courses (CETS),
- parents/guardians working on Community Employment programmes (CEC), and
- for families on Family Income Support (ASCC) The TEC Saver Programme is processed online via the Programmes Implementation Platform (PIP).
The PIP system is administered by Pobal, on behalf of the Department. The approved childcare funding is paid directly to the Service Provider and must be deducted directly from the service’s fee for the service provision.